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Japan Trip 2014 – Tokyo Disneysea & Disneyland

Yuki & Lily is going to a trip. And we’re going to Japan this time round!

We’ll be first touching down at Tokyo and making a trip to Disneysea and Disneyland. After which, we will be moving up to Sapporo, Hokkaido.

We travelled via ANA night flight and will reached Japan the next morning. But travelling on a night flight can be tiring as one might not be able to catch some sleep on the plane. But the girls are having fun on the plane.

Yuki和莉莉去旅行啦! 這次他們去了他們的家鄉, 日本! 我們首先會去東京迪士尼海洋和東京迪士尼樂園玩兩天,之後再起程去到北海道。我們呈搭ANA夜晚的班機,隔天早上就會到大日本。不過呈搭晚上的班機還挺累人的,但是兩個小瓜還真是興奮喔,一點都不覺得累,還真是拿他們沒有辦法。

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* 大家可點擊圖片觀賞更大的像素的照片。

The girls are busy taking photos on the plane.

Snack Pack given out to all flight passengers.

We were surprise to see the Rimowa chocolate selling on board and so we brought a box. Wonder why lily was so happy? Cos the Rimowa luggage bag is hers! LOL. But the photos are quite dark as the cabin lightings are off during the night flight.
偶然看到在飛機上有售買Rimowa的小型旅行箱巧克力, 實在是台可愛了, 就忍不住買了!看來旅行箱是莉莉的啦。不過由於機艙燈已經關了,所以照片有點暗。


Our first meal after touching down at Haneda Airport. We order 1 set of Salmon and 1 set of Unagi. And they were yummy! Tourist can request for English menu in some restaurants but not all has it. So well,we depends on the photos on the Menu.



Day 1 – Disneysea

Finally, we are at Disneysea! As it is still too early to check into the hotel room, we can only do check in and leave our luggage at the concierge. As the timing we visit Japan is near to Easter timing, so the theme for both Disneysea & Disneyland.


For lunch, we had Chirashi at one of the restaurant in Disneysea. The display and taste is so great! We had a good lunch and proceed with our tour.

As it was late afternoon, so we head back to the hotel so that we can check into the room and have a quick wash up. As we’re staying in Disyneland hotel, everything inside the room is associated with Disney main character Mickey Mouse! Let’s take a quick tour around the room.

The girls are so tired that they keep lazing on the bed. Mommies are also tired and we all took a short rest in the room.

We took the monorail to the central area of Disney to have our dinner. And of course, the monorail has all the hidden mickey!

We walked into this restaurant and ordered sets and some other sushis to try. Though not understanding japanese words, we’re lucky that they have english menu. So we order the food based on the english menu.

Day 2 – Disneyland
Good morning everyone. Is day 2 and we’re going to disneyland today! The girls will not be joining us today and so mummies will enjoy themselves. LOL.

We had our brunch and the pizza were yummy!

The Waffles are so tasty. I miss the taste though.
精致可愛的米老鼠松餅, 看了是不是很垂涎三尺呢?

We’ve now reached Mickey & Mini’s house. Let’s tour around their sweet house!

After playing & shopping for the whole day, we went back to the hotel room in the late afternoon and take a rest. And Yuki is showing off her new tote bag which mummy has brought for her from one of the disney shop.
玩了一整天,我們都累了,所以回到酒店休息。Yuki 對媽媽買給她的新包包愛不釋手噢。

After dinner, we went back to Disneyland to tour around and see a different view of Disneyland.

Good bye disneyland. I hope to come back another time for more fun!

We’re checking out disneyland hotel today and moving up to Hokkaido. Taking some last minute pictures before we leave this place.

Hokkaido here we come!!!!

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